Here's mine ... Beauty and the Truth
In my mind, the title of this essay is superimposed over the title of the old folk tale 'Beauty and the Beast,' giving rise to a more personal story, that of my growing up in a Christian denomination often referred to by its members as 'the Truth' even though it was as dishonest and disingenuous as they come.
Are you 'in the Truth'?" is very odd phrasing to most of those on the outside glancing in, whereas those on the inside never seem to question its validity or, if they do, may not remain long therein.
As I had a tendency to question almost everything as far back as I can remember, including 'the Truth' (which was not supposed to be questioned), I became one of those who ended up on the outside looking back in. I would probably never have bothered looking back at all if it weren't for having family members who remained unquestioningly within, believing they were supposed to shun me and struggling against their natural feelings of love in order to do so.
If you're not with them, you're against them. This even though I was never against them personally, only, very quietly, against dishonesty and untruth, and all for exploration and discovery.
Like Beauty's sisters, some of my loved ones seemed to blame me for the sorrow this situation caused all of us, and thought me not nearly sorry enough for all the tears they shed because of me, even accusing me of differing from them merely for the sake of being different.
Immediately the two eldest set up lamentable outcries, and said all manner of ill natured things to Beauty, who did not cry at all.
"Do but see the pride of that little wretch," said they; "she would not ask for fine clothes, as we did; but no truly, Miss wanted to distinguish herself, so now she will be the death of our poor father, and yet she does not so much as shed a tear."
--The Beauty and the Beast, Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont
So it was that I ventured out from among them, the only home and support structure I had ever known, to meet my fate at the hands of the cruel and ugly Beast. To those 'in the Truth', any contradictory truth is so threatening that it, and all who know of it, must be villified as beastly and avoided at all costs. Still, I grew to appreciate and even love this Beast that I should have loathed, these truths from which I should have ran, at the expense of seperation from my family and the isolation I experienced in getting to know the hidden and forbidden.
Like the Beast, truth can be raw and rough and plain, refusing to be placated and manipulated by the fearful who do it lip-service only, but do not know or understand it deeply. As the Beast said to Beauty's father:
"I don't love compliments, not I. I like people to speak as they think; and so do not imagine, I am to be moved by any of your flattering speeches."
But we are also always free to either accept or reject truth as we see fit. It does not force itself upon us.
"No," replied the Beast, "you alone are mistress here; you need only bid me gone, if my presence is troublesome, and I will immediately withdraw."
The burden of choice can be painful and difficult, and the uncompromising presence of truth can be "troublesome," but without it, there can be no beauty. No real love, no real hope, no real life, no real religion, no real relationships. So each of us must choose, usually more than once, often many times in our life, to stay with the truth we discover or to run away, to compromise the truth we know or stand firm for it, to let the truth die alone and starved or resucitate it and seek a real and lasting relationship.
If accepted and embraced as it is, in its entirety, however threatening to our sensitivities it might at first have seemed, truth, like the Beast, will always show to us a far more genuinely rich and rewarding life than we could ever have had without it, regardless of what detractors may claim. Not a perfect fairy tale happily-ever-after, perhaps, but certainly better than a lie which will eventually leave you with nothing but broken dreams.
~Merry (sorry I went over 500)